Open-source tools to take your first steps towards your professional and personal expansion
Take a step back and observe what's going on inside me ...
This toolbox is my treasure. Here, I share with you everything that has made the difference for me in my personal journey on the path to Self-fulfillment. You'll find free resources, readings and a personality test. Pick and choose as you wish!
"Sometimes it just takes a little for things to change ! A different look, a word in a conversation, a test to play with or a piece of reading that makes a lasting impression..."
Inspiring reading
Books are an inexhaustible source of learning and inspiration. Here are some of my favorites*!
* Some of the links are affiliate links, which means that I may receive a commission if you purchase through that link. It makes no difference to you, I only recommend resources that I personally use!
for French speakers ...
Rich father Poor father
An excellent book for changing the way you think about managing your money. The author draws lessons from...
Leave each other alone and start living
Always those famous injunctions, constraining messages, socio-educational conditioning, our ego... Philosopher Fabrice Midal explains the impact of our daily injunctions...
Becoming super-conscious
Transform your life and access the extraordinary, by changing your level of consciousness, mindset, energy and beliefs...
The NERTI solution
Learn the method of Rapid Emotional Cleansing of Unconscious Trauma and free yourself from over-reactivity, abnormal reactions or...
The day I learned to live
For those who want to learn about personal development or just reflect on life through fictionalized reading.
Stop belittling yourself!
This very practical book gives exercises to identify which type of impostor syndrome you might be suffering from and to work on...
The magic of tidying
Not all of Marie Kondo's tips will work for you, but they'll give you some great ideas to apply if you're...
The 7 habits of those who achieve everything they set out to do
These 7 or even 8 habits, complemented by concepts and principles, will take you further in your success and can be applied in...
I think too much
I devoured this book, which helped me discover and understand my particular HP (high-potential/multi-potential) functioning.
The intuitive intelligence of the heart
To understand how this second brain, the heart, works and how to use its "intelligence" through the three techniques of...
A NOTHING can change everything
If you can't manage to change your habits, this book will give you the keys to doing so and thwart...
Freeing genius from hypersensitivity
In this book, you'll find a test to determine which type of hypersensitive you are. As well as theoretical contributions, tips,...
The power of the present moment
One of the basic books in personal development: Why and how to learn to live fully in the present moment...
for English speakers ...
Rich dad Poor dad
Excellent book to change your way of thinking about how to manage your money. The author draws lessons from his...
The French Art of Not Giving a Sh*t: Cut the Crap and Live Your Life
Always those famous injunctions, " drivers ", socio-educational conditioning, our ego... Philosopher Fabrice Midal explains the impact of our daily injunctions and...
Becoming Supernatural
How common people are doing the uncommon, and transform themselves and their lives by changing their consciousness, mindset, energy and...
I think too much
This book was a revelation for me by discovering and understanding the particular functioning of HP (high or multi-potential)!
The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up
Marie Kondo's tips may probably not suit you all, but will give you great ideas to apply if you are...
The 7 habits of Highly Effective People
These seven, even eight, habits with additions of concepts and principles will take you further in your success, and are...
Coffee Self-talk
The must-read book to implement a little routine when drinking your morning coffee that will boost you for the...
The HearthMath Solution
Understand how this second brain, the heart, works, and how to use its intelligence with the three HearthMath techniques. You will...
Atomic Habits
If you are struggling with changing your habits, this book gives you the tools to achieve it, based on data...
The power of now
One of the basicsin personal development :why and how it is important to learn to live fully in the present...